Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Teamstewartlove Exclusive interview with Maegan Stewart!
TSL:What is your favourite colour?
TSL:How did you meet your boyfriend, Mike?
MS:well i knew him when i was 11 cause he was my kung/fu teacher lol.. its a long sory on how we started dating
TSL:Do you still preform with your siblings?
MS:yes and i LOVE it
TSL:How do you feel about preforming with your siblings?
MS:its amazing.. soo much fun
TSL:What do you miss the most about the past?
MS:not having to sorry about ANYTHING!! lol
TSL:Do you think you are known as Maegan Stewart or Booboo's sister?
MS:half and half.. he has people that know me as his sister and i have people that know him as my brother so its an even thing
TSL:Do you like fame?
MS:ya.. but its not a big deal to me
TSL:What is your hobby?
MS:riding my horses
TSL:Where were you born?
MS:orange county
TSL:Where would you like to go for a vacation?
TSL:Did you read the Twilight Saga? If so which one do you like the best?
MS:no i havnt read any of the books lol i dont want to read the books cause im afraid its gonna ruin the movies for me lol
TSL:Would you like a role in the Twilight Saga?
MS:no cause i dont like acting haha.. but if i could just sand there and not say anything then yes lol
TSL:Where have you attended school?
MS:stonhurst elem. and the rest was home studies
TSL:Which one of the siblings do you like the most and why?
MS:i couldnt pick.. i love them all equally. they all have such different personallities that i love..
TSL:What gave you an interest in the Modelling industry?
MS:i LOVE being in front of the camera.. and i love that u can express yourself soo much without saying a single word..
TSL:Do you like your ethnicity?
MS:yes i love it..
TSL:If you had a choice, what ethnicity(ies) would you choose to be?
MS:hawaiian or brazilian
TSL:Will you ever go to one of the meet and greets with Booboo?
MS:yes i just went to one last week
TSL:Have you been on the Eclipse set? If so what do you think of it?
MS:no i havnt
TSL:Do you have a special talent?
MS:yes i do this hand thing that only my dad and booboo has figured out lol
TSL:Which do you prefer the most: Acting, dancing, Modelling, or doing stunts? MS:modelling or stunts.. i love them both
TSL:What kind of songs do you prefer? (pop, rock, r&b, country, etc)
MS:coheed and cambria
MS:liam neeson and i love his voice in the movie TAKEN
TSL:Do you own any animals?
MS:YES and ton!!!!
TSL:When I interviewed Booboo, he told me that you all own animals. Can you tell me who owns what?
MS:we all own our own dogs horse cat ect...
TSL:Will you come to Vancouver, Canada soon?
MS:I'd really want to meet you! i wish!!
Teamstewartlove Exclusive
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Eclipse release day!
ECLIPSE is almost here! and we will finally be able to see Booboo in the big screen! are you excited? well you should be! This is the day that hundreds of Booboo ( @mammarazzi1 ) have been waiting for! we are going to see the youngest of the wolfs seth clearwater come to life by Booboo! Eclipse in my opinion is the best of all the twilight books and trust me its going to be the best out of all the movies. You have to admit its going to be awesome seeing Mr. Booboo stewart in this amazing saga!..... Also i tell you Forget Team Jacob and Team Edward its all about team Seth NOW! Booboo is going to do an amazing job!

15 Minutes with Booboo
15 MINUTES WITH BOOBOO FEATURING "THE BLUEPRINT" MATT MORGAN is happy to have Booboo Stewart as a regular contributor on the website. Booboo is one of the most popular young stars in Hollywood, and appears in the "Twilight: Eclipse" movie. Booboo will be conducting interviews with the TNA Superstars right here on the TNA website.
Hello TNA Wrestling fans! Since interviewing Jeff Hardy last month, I have been crazy busy getting ready for the release of Twilight Eclipse. I have been traveling the world and even released a new song on iTunes that me and Fivel did called “Rainy Day”. This past Thursday was the big Hollywood red carpet premier of Twilight Eclipse and I even got a surprise phone call from Jeff Hardy to congratulate me on the big day! It was awesome.
Now tonight (Tuesday, June 29), well really, tomorrow morning at 12:01AM is the nationwide release of Twilight Eclipse. I will be on Lopez Tonight tonight and earlier today, I had the chance to interview “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan, the DNA of TNA. Check it out!
Boo: I read you are acting now--do you want to pursue that?
Matt: I definitely want to pursue acting, yes. However, I’m still on stride to be hitting my prime as a pro wrestler and I put way too much time and energy and sacrifices in to not see my wrestling career through until I am the top dog at TNA. I am The Blueprint of wrestling and the DNA of TNA. However, part of being the top dog in TNA is gaining our company its much deserved mainstream respect. Luckily, I do enjoy acting, I’m good at it, and ill continue to pursue acting on my off days from TNA to garner that mainstream media attention that TNA’s top dog could only get.
Boo: You recently filmed an episode of “The Good Guys” for FOX. How was that experience?
Matt: Ridiculously fun. Although, I got to admit there is a new found respect I have for actors and the patients that’s involved with pulling 12-16 hour days straight. For instance, one of my fight scenes was filmed in Dallas, TX with 118 degree heat index and I had to wear a prison jump suit and Hannibal lector mask for all 12 of those hours. 3 of us that were doing fight scene had nurses on site that kept feeding us Pedialyte to make sure we were hydrated enough as we were starting to get dehydrated and dizzy and were only minutes away from blacking out. But for me, that was a definitive test to know whether or not acting is something I want to pursue. And the fact that I didn’t flick everyone off and fly back home to Orlando, for me, was a testament that this is what I want to do with my future. The best part of filming “The Good Guys” for me was how complimentary Bradley Whitford, Colin Hanks, and my director were of my acting skills. Out of just this role, I’ve been told there will be many more acting opportunities for me in the future so I am very excited. Make sure to check it out. It is set to premier on Monday Night, August 2 on FOX at 9PM ET. What else would you do on a Monday night? There is nothing better on TV on Mondays nights then anyways.
For full interview click HERE is happy to have Booboo Stewart as a regular contributor on the website. Booboo is one of the most popular young stars in Hollywood, and appears in the "Twilight: Eclipse" movie. Booboo will be conducting interviews with the TNA Superstars right here on the TNA website.
Hello TNA Wrestling fans! Since interviewing Jeff Hardy last month, I have been crazy busy getting ready for the release of Twilight Eclipse. I have been traveling the world and even released a new song on iTunes that me and Fivel did called “Rainy Day”. This past Thursday was the big Hollywood red carpet premier of Twilight Eclipse and I even got a surprise phone call from Jeff Hardy to congratulate me on the big day! It was awesome.
Now tonight (Tuesday, June 29), well really, tomorrow morning at 12:01AM is the nationwide release of Twilight Eclipse. I will be on Lopez Tonight tonight and earlier today, I had the chance to interview “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan, the DNA of TNA. Check it out!
Boo: I read you are acting now--do you want to pursue that?
Matt: I definitely want to pursue acting, yes. However, I’m still on stride to be hitting my prime as a pro wrestler and I put way too much time and energy and sacrifices in to not see my wrestling career through until I am the top dog at TNA. I am The Blueprint of wrestling and the DNA of TNA. However, part of being the top dog in TNA is gaining our company its much deserved mainstream respect. Luckily, I do enjoy acting, I’m good at it, and ill continue to pursue acting on my off days from TNA to garner that mainstream media attention that TNA’s top dog could only get.
Boo: You recently filmed an episode of “The Good Guys” for FOX. How was that experience?
Matt: Ridiculously fun. Although, I got to admit there is a new found respect I have for actors and the patients that’s involved with pulling 12-16 hour days straight. For instance, one of my fight scenes was filmed in Dallas, TX with 118 degree heat index and I had to wear a prison jump suit and Hannibal lector mask for all 12 of those hours. 3 of us that were doing fight scene had nurses on site that kept feeding us Pedialyte to make sure we were hydrated enough as we were starting to get dehydrated and dizzy and were only minutes away from blacking out. But for me, that was a definitive test to know whether or not acting is something I want to pursue. And the fact that I didn’t flick everyone off and fly back home to Orlando, for me, was a testament that this is what I want to do with my future. The best part of filming “The Good Guys” for me was how complimentary Bradley Whitford, Colin Hanks, and my director were of my acting skills. Out of just this role, I’ve been told there will be many more acting opportunities for me in the future so I am very excited. Make sure to check it out. It is set to premier on Monday Night, August 2 on FOX at 9PM ET. What else would you do on a Monday night? There is nothing better on TV on Mondays nights then anyways.
For full interview click HERE
Friday, June 25, 2010
Eclipse Premiere
Booboo and Fivel Stewart attends the "Twilight Saga: Eclipse" Premiere on June 24,2010 at the Nokia Theatre on LA. they must have stunned the fans on the premiere. Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Stewart are with them too. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sorry guys!
Hey tsl readers! It's Lisa here and I've been pretty busy so there aren't a lot of posts on tsl right now. Bear with me because I will be more avaliable and have my Internet back asap! I'm currently grounded so that is why I can't update. Hopefully my other staff members will update you on the life of the Stewarts!
Much love, Lisa.
Much love, Lisa.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Artist On Demand
Here is the download for the full, one hour radio interview with Fivel and Booboo on Artist on Demand.
I can't put it as audio right now. But I will soon! Please bear with me!
There are new pages, go check them out!
I can't put it as audio right now. But I will soon! Please bear with me!
There are new pages, go check them out!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Booboo Stewart: The Real Karate Kid
Let Young Hollywood introduce you to Boo Boo Stewart, who we think is "The Real Karate Kid." We take you inside XMA Studios in North Hollywood where Boo Boo shows us some very impressive karate moves and tells us about his role with Disney's T-Squad. This actor/musician/stuntman/model gives us an action packed segment which is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. We also get to see our host, funnyman Brian Drolet of "The Hills," get put to shame as the infamous Power Rangers instructor and Boo Boo teach him some karate moves. Hosted by Brian Drolet.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Win a Day with Booboo!
Gabby's day with Booboo
First when we got there, i was with Hollywire & @iflyxjdine. we were waiting for @mammarrazi1 so we filmed some pretty funny stuff. then when they finally got there, we said our hello's and screamed a bit...and went inside (: first thing we did was lazer tag. but freaking booboo was being a little cheater & would hold your gun when you started shooting at him! hahaha. i think fivel actually got the high score. my score was like, 100pts less than booboo or someting. thennn we went to the go-carts! it was sooo much fun even tho my hair got really messed up. i passed a lot of people, but booboo was the hardest to pass, but i still got him x] and thennn when we were pulling back in, a fricken bee flew in my face or something and i freaked out & accidentally bumped fivel caues she was infront of me hhahah. then we went to the bumper boats even tho the water was GREEEEEN. we all got in & were just floating there, but then we found out that the squirters werent working so we got out. booboo was pretty bummed hahah. then we went inside to play some games. i played dance dance revolution and some shooting game with booboo, it was reaaally fun (: and then after, we went to go eat at farrells. i sat almost across from booboo and right across from jadine so we got to talk A LOT and we were playing the games on the kiddie menus. we had a race to see who could find all the words i the word search first and of course, i won! then jadine came in second and booboo just gave up & didnt even finish hahah. i just ordered ice cream even tho everyone else was getting burgers, but the ice cream was HUGE. like. amazingly HUGE. booboo was like, woah. ahahah i barely ate any of it. but tati & skyler helped me. we tried to make booboo tell us the "secret" but he didnt budge ;P then we went and played some more games & then went lazer tagging again. booboo STILL got 100 more points than me. but it was soo much fun. after, came goodbyes. the hardest part =/ sorry this is so long & thank you if you actually read all the way through! though these words dont even describe how amazing my day was. thank you booboo, the stewart family, and hollywire for THEE best day of my life. <3
First when we got there, i was with Hollywire & @iflyxjdine. we were waiting for @mammarrazi1 so we filmed some pretty funny stuff. then when they finally got there, we said our hello's and screamed a bit...and went inside (: first thing we did was lazer tag. but freaking booboo was being a little cheater & would hold your gun when you started shooting at him! hahaha. i think fivel actually got the high score. my score was like, 100pts less than booboo or someting. thennn we went to the go-carts! it was sooo much fun even tho my hair got really messed up. i passed a lot of people, but booboo was the hardest to pass, but i still got him x] and thennn when we were pulling back in, a fricken bee flew in my face or something and i freaked out & accidentally bumped fivel caues she was infront of me hhahah. then we went to the bumper boats even tho the water was GREEEEEN. we all got in & were just floating there, but then we found out that the squirters werent working so we got out. booboo was pretty bummed hahah. then we went inside to play some games. i played dance dance revolution and some shooting game with booboo, it was reaaally fun (: and then after, we went to go eat at farrells. i sat almost across from booboo and right across from jadine so we got to talk A LOT and we were playing the games on the kiddie menus. we had a race to see who could find all the words i the word search first and of course, i won! then jadine came in second and booboo just gave up & didnt even finish hahah. i just ordered ice cream even tho everyone else was getting burgers, but the ice cream was HUGE. like. amazingly HUGE. booboo was like, woah. ahahah i barely ate any of it. but tati & skyler helped me. we tried to make booboo tell us the "secret" but he didnt budge ;P then we went and played some more games & then went lazer tagging again. booboo STILL got 100 more points than me. but it was soo much fun. after, came goodbyes. the hardest part =/ sorry this is so long & thank you if you actually read all the way through! though these words dont even describe how amazing my day was. thank you booboo, the stewart family, and hollywire for THEE best day of my life. <3
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Win a day with Booboo!
Hollywire announced the winners today. Gabby Y and I won the contest! Yay! I feel very excited!
But...apparently I can't go because I didn't get them my flight info in time...they gave me less than 24 hours to Book the ticket, figure out where to live, get my own transportation, and etc. I'm 14 and they expect me to do this by myself, in less than 24 hours. I'm disappointed...
But...apparently I can't go because I didn't get them my flight info in time...they gave me less than 24 hours to Book the ticket, figure out where to live, get my own transportation, and etc. I'm 14 and they expect me to do this by myself, in less than 24 hours. I'm disappointed...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Booboo and Fivel on Artist on Demand
Today Booboo and Fivel will be on Artist on Demand at 5:30pm. Tune in here! And/Or call 347-884-9941
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Rainy Day Music Video
Booboo and Fivel are doing U-stream on Thursday June 17 around 9am. They will be making their music video, Rainy Day!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Opening Night of Chorus line
Booboo Stewart, Fivel & Sage attend the opening night of 'A Chorus Line' at the Pantages Theatre on June 1, 2010 in Hollywood, California.
iSource: Teamboobooseth
Melanie Segal's Celebrity S.O.S (Save Our Seas) Lounge
Stewart family at Melanie Segal's Celebrity S.O.S (Save Our Seas) Lounge at House of Blues Sunset Strip on June 3, 2010 in West Hollywood, California.
Gifting Suite,
Save Our Seas
MYRTLE BEACH—It turned out to be a beautiful day for the 59th annual Sun Fun Festival. The event drew an estimated 25,000 people throughout the day.
The celebration had activities for people of all ages. Myrtle Beach area Chamber of Commerce President Brad Dean says they even added a few extra attractions to bring in a wider variety of people.
“We’ve got more concerts, celebrity appearances, and children’s activities this year,“ said Dean.
The crowds loved it, especially the celebrity appearances. Twilight fans of all ages waited in line for over an hour to meet BooBoo Stewart, better known as Seth from the Twilight saga.
Other celebrities including Disney Channel’s Sterling Knight and Guiding Light’s Kim Zimmer.
Regina Mertens is one local who says she’s glad she made it out to the celebration. She decided to bring her family because they had such a great time last year.
“I just want the city of Myrtle Beach to know that what they’re doing is great, and I hope they keep it going for a long time,“ said Mertens.
Whether they’ve been coming to the festival for years, or they came for the first time, festival attendees were overall impressed with the attractions. It might be hard to top at next year’s festival, but organizers say they’re up to the challenge.
The end of the day doesn’t mean the fun is over, Sun Fun activities will include throughout the summer, ending with the Beach Boogie Barbeque over Labor Day weekend.
The celebration had activities for people of all ages. Myrtle Beach area Chamber of Commerce President Brad Dean says they even added a few extra attractions to bring in a wider variety of people.
“We’ve got more concerts, celebrity appearances, and children’s activities this year,“ said Dean.
The crowds loved it, especially the celebrity appearances. Twilight fans of all ages waited in line for over an hour to meet BooBoo Stewart, better known as Seth from the Twilight saga.
Other celebrities including Disney Channel’s Sterling Knight and Guiding Light’s Kim Zimmer.
Regina Mertens is one local who says she’s glad she made it out to the celebration. She decided to bring her family because they had such a great time last year.
“I just want the city of Myrtle Beach to know that what they’re doing is great, and I hope they keep it going for a long time,“ said Mertens.
Whether they’ve been coming to the festival for years, or they came for the first time, festival attendees were overall impressed with the attractions. It might be hard to top at next year’s festival, but organizers say they’re up to the challenge.
The end of the day doesn’t mean the fun is over, Sun Fun activities will include throughout the summer, ending with the Beach Boogie Barbeque over Labor Day weekend.
This weekend Booboo Stewart will be in the HYATT REGENCY CENTURY CITY for the Twilight Convesion, come by and say hi.
Renee Stewart:
"Going to the HYATT REGENCY CENTURY CITY for the Twilight Convension this weekend.I'll be bringing all new pics too.Come by and say hi.I mistakenly wrote marriot in my last post.My baddness"
It's gonna be great!
Renee Stewart:
"Going to the HYATT REGENCY CENTURY CITY for the Twilight Convension this weekend.I'll be bringing all new pics too.Come by and say hi.I mistakenly wrote marriot in my last post.My baddness"
It's gonna be great!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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